April's Project: Take a Stencil, Make a Stencil
I was so flattered by the requests I got for my tie stencil. Of course I didn't come up with the idea of the mock tie on a little boy's T, but I did freehand this one. Freezer paper stenciling is really fabulous! I don't know who figured it out, I would have thought the wax from the paper would melt into and ruin the fabric, but would ever did figure it out is a genius. As an addicted crafter I am always thinking of new things to freezer stencil. So, April is the month! With your help I want to try to offer a free stencil everyday of the month for everyone to download. The only rule is that the stencil does need to be your own creation, no borrowing. Just email your original design to dearpresserfoot@gmail.com with your name, blog address (everyone deserves credit) and a photo of the finished project (if you have one). Remember too that stencils aren't just for freezer paper. We welcome any stencils, be they for freezer paper, apliques, paper crafts, etc. To get the party started download my tie stencil (pdf). So remember, this is an interactive project, so if you take, please make sure you also make.
I can't wait! Freezer paper stenciling is amazing!
ReplyDeleteThat necktie cracks me up in its whimsy but can also appreciate the sophistication of the black and white stripe.